Friday, February 19, 2010

Mark Zuckerberg

Mark Zuckerberg is a young geeky kid that started facebook. He is worth 3 billion dollars and doesn't buy anything, he lives in a small apartment and works at a normal desk at his work. He was a Harvard drop out who was studying psychology. There website facebook was started in Harvard and through colleges. Mark Zuckerberg felt it was better to hire raw intelligence, which means people with intelligence but less experience because he felt it aloud them more room to develop and get experience. He believes that's its good to have humble team so the business just evolves. He believes to keep operating costs low to increase revenue. He believes its good just to try things out and see if they work or not. He is a thought full listener. And he likes to experiment things through try and fail technique. His employees get free time to hangout with each other, which really helps. Facebook did alot better than myspace because of there marketing target needs and wants. Also facebook is more personal friends were myspace is more public. Also trends come and go where myspace is the trend that is going.

Steve Jobs

In this video Steve Jobs talks about his life story. he talks about when he started Mac which is a huge company now. He explains how he started the company and then later was kicked out by his partner. After he kicked out he realized he still was inlove with what he did so he opened up new companys. one which is pixar, now the biggest animation studio. And his other comapny wa actually bought by mac. Basically Steve Jobs biggest point his that being kicked out of his bussiness was the best thing that ever happened to him.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Shark Tank

Mr, Todd's pies

Mr Todd Wilson needs money for his pie shop. His pies are a big hit among many people. Mcdonalds wants to buy his product aswell as many others. His pies are very wanted but some of the sharks dont want in beacuse they feel he is gonna try and expand to quickly again. He also sells more different pies that he didnt really need to sell, he should just be sticking to his yam pies which make most of his income. He also had trouble with his bussiness before. But they gave him a deal for that they would control 50 percent of his company. He took the deal because it would save his company and help take him to the next level in his bussiness.

Friday, February 12, 2010

The Rockafellers

The rockafellers are a rich group of men. They loved to make money, and plenty of it. They were extremly successful. They became wealthy because there were smart with thier money. The rockafellers kept a log of every penny they spent which is extremly smart. They were smart by not making there company to big.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Richard branson

Today i learned a few things about sir Richard Branson. He was a man that didnt do to well in school but did extremly well in life. He made billions of dollars and is living a great life. He owns a big island and has lots of fun and nothing gets in his way. He has unique ideas and a natural leader. He was a man that owns so many companys even tho he doesnt need to. He does what he does because he loves it.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Confidence, whats is it?

Confidence is what makes a strong person. A confident person cant be stopped. A moment in my life that gave me confidence was when i first learned to ride a bike. I had trouble getting up all the time but then i eventually got it up and rode my bike all around the block. it was nice.
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Monday, February 1, 2010

Today in my class i learned many things. I was very to find that lots of friends were in this class. but anyways i learned that attitude reflects leadership, and that is very powerful. I also learned that we really are more capable than we think, its all about confidence. Business works this way aswell.