Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Blue ocean strategy

Blue ocean strategy is a business that has no competition.

Cirque de soliel is an example of a blue ocean strategy.

6 points of B.O.S are

1. Reconstruct market boundaries
make a complete new idea.

2.Focus on the big picture not the numbers
Focus on the final project.

3. Reach beyond exicting demand
reach beyond what the existing demand is.

4. Get the strategic sequence right
get the strategic sequence correctly done.

5. Overcome key orginiatizational hurdles
Ovecome the things that are in your way.

6. Build execution into strategy

the only way to beat the competition is to try to stop beating the competition. Industries never stand still. high blue ocean potential has three complementary qualities. If you get into a businness with no competition you have a very good chance of being sucessful. A good example of what a blue ocean strategy would be Cirque du Soliel. This blue ocean strategy company introduced a whole new form of live entertainment which had no competition at the time.

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